19th September 2024

Search Ramsey Town Council

Ramsey Town Council Serving the people of Ramsey

Town Centre Economic Development News

Following our recent meetings with Huntingdonshire District Council's (HDC) economic development team we're delighted to announce that they will now start engaging with town centre shop keepers to gain feedback. HDC has tendered for specialist retail consultants to support us as a market town. The funding for this has come from Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority who are keen to build on the heritage, character and independent shopping experience within our small town. The consultants will have their first visit to Ramsey to look at our town centre during the week beginning 9th July.There will also be consultation with residents at a later stage. This first visit is to focus on the thoughts of retail / businesses with shop fronts. Both myself as Mayor and our Deputy Mayor, Steve Corney are also happy to engage with local businesses. If you would like to arrange a meeting with us, at any time, please don't hesitate to contact ramseytc@ramseytowncouncil.gov.uk. Thank you.

Val Fendley, Mayor of Ramsey.

Posted: Thu, 4 Jul 2024

Tags: Town Centre