19th September 2024

Search Ramsey Town Council

Ramsey Town Council Serving the people of Ramsey

Here are some recently asked questions

Does the Council have any vacant allotments?

The Council currently has no vacant allotment plots at it's site in Stocking Fen Road. When available the plots are charged at £10 per year, payable in September. There is also a £50 deposit payable, this is refundable when the plot is vacated in good condition. For further information or to be placed on the waiting list please contact us on 01487 814957.

Can I attend a meeting to discuss my planning application?

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Council and are permitted to speak at the beginning of the meeting when a total of 20 minutes is allocated. It is always advisable to inform the Town Clerk on 01487 814957 if you would like to attend.

Is the Council responsible for cutting the grass in the cemetery?

Yes, Ramsey Town Council pays Huntingdonshire District Council to cut the grass in the main cemetery on it's behalf, this is carried out on a regular basis. The grass in the new cemetery extension is cut regularly by a contractor paid for by the Town Council.

Last updated: Thu, 06 Jul 2023 10:43